Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm a Vegan and I don't like tofu!

I am not cooking anything exciting today. So instead of posting a picture of a Boca burger I thought I would just ramble a bit. (The veggie burgers are what got me on this train of thought.) Anywhoooo....I have tried just about every meat substitute out there now, and I hate do not like them.
As I post more recipes in here you will find there are not very many with tofu, or seitan or tempeh in them. So now you know why, I simply don't like them. I do cook them from time to time mostly for the husband and kiddo so I'm sure they will pop up.
Maybe it's me, maybe I'm not wired correctly. I have heard so many people sing the praises of these bean and wheat meats that I figured I would like them. I guess in closing; I gave up meat and I'm not looking to replace it.

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