Thursday, March 24, 2011

Get out and garden!!

If you are reading this blog, chances are you are vegan. Since I am taking that  leap o' faith I would say you like vegetables. Then I would assume you like fresh vegetables. So if you haven't already done so, start an awesome garden! It's easy and much cheaper (not to mention way more punk rock) than going to the grocery store for all your produce. If you are unsure how or where to start... never fear! There are some amazing gardening books on sale at pure citizen right now. Perfect timing!!
When I started gardening it gave me a whole new appreciation for veggies I didn't even like before. There is nothing like watching your hard work turn into some tasty freakin' veggies and herbs! Believe me you have never tasted a better tomato then the one you grow and pick right before you put it into dinner.
I  happened to have the help of being married to a former organic farmer. Without him, I would've been lost. So since everyone can't go out and marry an organic farmer (though i highly recommend it!) pick up a book, if you are not buying one check one out at the library, it will save you from some serious frustration. I will link a couple other books I think are pretty great for starting up.
Happy digging in the dirt day! (It's not a "REAL HOLIDAY", it could be if you wanted it to be though)

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