Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wow it's been a while....

So I'm back and doing the blogging thing again. A few things have changed, I am no longer a hater of tofu (I've learned to prepare it to my liking) and seitan (I'm just starting to get along with.) I fell off the vegan wagon a couple of times (damn you cheese) and paid for it dearly.....which leads me to believe I am lactose intolerant. Also found out our daughter needs braces ($$$$).
Since we are going to have to save up a ton quickly I am trying a new experiment; 300.00 a month to feed 3 people 3 meals plus snacks. The deal my DH and I came up with is this; 50 a week (or less depending on how many paydays fall in a month) to spend at the farmers market and our local co-op and 100.00 a month to spend stocking up at the grocery store. This starts next week and I'm actually very excited about it. I just hope we can stick to it, or even trim it! (OK that's high hopes).

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