Saturday, July 9, 2011

Homesteading in Wisconsin?

I have had this desire become way more self-sufficient. I have been reading a lot about this topic. I wonder if anyone homesteads in Wisconsin I man serious off the grid style? There are some beautiful properties near the Mississippi in Cassville, WI that are super cheap. if I was brave? I would go for it. Alas, I think it will take a lot of pumping myself up (and the family up) and learning before I can take this on.

July 9th

Hi Ya'll! It's been a week since my last post. I have to be honest here, we did a lot of eating out last week and BLEW our budget. Grrrrrr....... So I've got DH on board no more eating out! From now on we will be making all of our snacky treats at home. OK anywhoo.......we went to the farmers market today and we got all this for 20.00or less I think!

1 bunch of carrots ( I have never head super fresh carrots I'm excited!) 1.00
2 kohlrabi 1.00
1 HUGE bunch cilantro 1.00
1 bunch basil 1.00
1 lb new red potatoes 2.00
2.5 lb broccoli 3.25
4 lemon cucumbers (!) 2.00
1 bouquet of flowers for a friend 3.00
1 package of dill Havarti ends 1.00
1 bunch HUGE white onions 1.50

So we will combine this with what is growing in our garden and what is in our pantries to make some awesome dinners! Pics and recipes to follow. Promise :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Farmers Market Shopping week 1!!

This is our first trip to the farmers market this year. This is also the beginning of us cutting down on out food bill and eating as healthy and local as possible. There was a lot at the farmers market today unfortunately a lot of it was what we are already growing on our garden :/
However we did score these fine items:
2 kohlrabi (I have no idea what to do with them) 1.50
1 HUGE nappa cabbage 2.00
1 BIG ol bunch of green onions 1.00
6 vegan cookies (could NOT resist) 4.50
8 oz crimini mushrooms 2.50
1 pint of super yummy strawberries (which were pretty much gone by the time we left the farmers market) 3.00
10 garlic scapes (again unsure of what to do with these) 1.00
4 or 5 patty pan squash (my fav!!) 3.50
1 lb peas 4.00
1 bunch of dill 1.50
So according to my husband we only spent 24.50! That is a lot less than we had thought we would spend. :)

At our local co-op we bought:
8 oz of simple soyman tofu (locally produced!) 2.06
1 box fantastic foods taco filling 1.89
 so total we spent 3.95

Seems like we are super healthy right? Well maybe not so much because we also went to pick n' save (keep in mind when I list these my husband and daughter are not completely vegan)and got:

2 bottles of root beer 1.90
1 pint ice cream 1.25
1 bag frozen french fries 3.39
2 green bell peppers .81
6 ears of sweet corn (!) 1.20
6 purple tomatoes 3.69
mixed fruit slices 2.07
chocolate covered pretzels 1.40
 8 oz cheddar cheese 2.00
total of 19.65 (which leaves us with 80.35 of grocery store money for the month)

So my next posts over the week will be what we made with this stuff :)
Tonight we are having sloppy joes, corn on the cob and my husband's famous coleslaw!